In the last lesson, I laid out 14 checklist items to make sure you’re good to go come Game Day. Things you’re going to want to think about before the event and a few items I feel are really important to make sure you have figured out. If you missed it, or any of the other lessons, go grab them here.
Today I really want to cover something I don’t think people do enough of. It can help build your community….. not only for this event, but for many events to come.
You are at a convention where your neighbors, the other vendors, have the ability to be a part of your community and movement you are building. Either as partners or as customers.
Between the time your booth is set up and attendees walk through the door I like to go make an intro and hear their story.
You are both vendors. You both are there trying to tell your story to the same audience. That’s a huge common ground and a great way to spark the conversation.
Here are a few tips I like to do when I’m introducing myself to other vendors and gathering their information.
Give them something. I introduce myself and my brand and start by giving them the same product I’m giving away to everyone that comes by my booth. If I have a solid convo with them and think they could be a part of my Community, I give them one of the more valuable products (Product 2 from Lessons 4 and Lesson 5)
Ask them about what they do? I generally am interested in finding out what they do, their story, and what their goal of the event is.
Partner, customer, or both? I ask them questions to see if what I am offering can help them or if there's an opportunity to work together.
What other events should I do? I love asking what other events they do and what is and isn’t good. It’s a great way to get the inside scoop from someone who knows my audience.
Referral at the event. I let them know that if someone I have a conversation with at the event can benefit from what they offer, then I’ll send them over. And yes, I really do this.
Gather their info and give them mine. If there is a future opportunity, I exchange info and sometimes even find out plans for events or what they are doing after the show each day.
I like to do this on day 1 and each morning of every show. People are absolutely exhausted usually after the event day, and really don’t feel like talking. Same with the last day of the show. So I like to try and knock this out the first couple days if it’s a multiple day event.
Remember to keep it short and high energy…..and read the room. If they are frantically setting up their booth, drop the gift, quickly introduce yourself, and tell them you’ll swing by some other time they aren’t so busy so you can hear more about what they do.
How many connections can you make at your next event by trying this?
Today I hit on connecting with your neighbors. Tomorrow's lesson we will cover interacting with the attendees who come by your booth.
Plan for each day. What to write about:
Setting up at events & why/how -how to follow along 14 days + checklist. If still have questions.
Choose the right event - send to 6 pillars course
Product - look best. Promote
Choosing the right product - send to perfect product course.
Other things to think about as choosing event
Making sure you’re set up, and ready to go.
Gather: Meet Your Neighbors, Build Your Community.
Give & Get. Make system/ (hit on greet)
Automation & Plan for getting leads
Importance of story - Greeting
Follow through
Forge & foster
Fine Tune
Everything covered again of why it is important to promote & next steps.