Yesterday, I covered 5 product categories I like to consider when in pre-game and preparing for the event. If you missed it, here you go! Today I’m going to go even further and help you uncover the Perfect Product options that are exclusive to your brand, and speak directly to your potential new customer.
This is where things are different from a lot of other brands I see set up at events. I see companies all the time that have generic knick knacks set up on a table at their booth so people can just come by and grab them without any introduction, connection, or hello. If you’re guilty of this STOP.
Our goal should be to give people something they get excited about or talk to us over. And when they come up to grab it we have a conversation with them.
We want to give them something in order to get something from them… their contact info, opportunity to hear our story, feedback on our product, $$..... I like to break this into two groups.
Product 1= Inexpensive and larger quantity - Give something to everyone who comes by the booth. This helps to build brand awareness and gives them an idea of who you are.
This should be at the front of your booth. See my incredible art skills below
Use to create a buzz around your booth that people are excited to give their information and have a convo with you for.
Stickers, keychains, coozies, etc etc etc. (Don’t be generic. Think either cool product or cool design).
Product 2= Value driven and Lifestyle focused- Give these items to the partners, current customers who come say hi, and anyone you have a conversation with that you think could be a great advocate or customer for your brand.
Expensive but a lot smaller quantity.
Something your Perfect Customer would use in their everyday life.
Think… What product could I give them that they will tell all their friends about.
Here’s how a sketch of this looks. We put the low cost items (Product 1) in the front. We put higher costed/ more value driven items in the back (Product 2). The goal is for people to see it and ask about it but not be able to grab it. It has to be gifted to them.
Get an understanding of:
Budget and Goals
Overall booth investment
How many attendees
Plan for building the community (Partnership)
What are products that will really fit into my prospect/ customers lifestyle.
If they can use it at this event, great! But what we are really going for is finding something they use/admire in their daily life.
Once I know this then I plan on the lead time and logistics of getting these products ordered in time for the event.
Use this form to help and then once you submit it, my team will help you to narrow down some items that fit into your budget and connect with you on getting an order together.
Finding that perfect product takes work but regardless of your budget, I’m confident if you attend the Masterclass, at the end of day 1, you’ll know exactly what products are available for you to make a huge impression and impact on your audience.
Make sure to check back tomorrow or keep an eye out in your email for Day 6 of the 14 Day Training.